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Please open your gift pack from Las Vegas!

AddDate:2018-05-22 16:31:07

As the largest city in Nevada State and one offour largest gambling cities in the world, Las Vegas is a gambling industry backboned, globallyfamous holiday destination spectacularly for tourism and shopping, with thereputation of Entertainment Capital and Wedding Capital as well. However, thistime it has nothing to do with neither gambling nor wedding.

The annual National Hardware Show was held fromMay 8th to 10th, May, 2018 at convention and exhibition center inLas Vegas as scheduled. ZS Power presents newly-developed, innovative andtechnologically advanced products to friends from all over the world.

Item 1: 2.0kW Inverter generator

It makes an first-time appearancein US, extremely featuring with characteristics of light weighing and compactdownsizing at the same time for as friendly as possible application in outdoors.   

With less than 3% THD as well asoutstanding voltage stability, there is no any risks for such precise equipmentas iPad, iPhone and laptop etc. to be damaged electrically. 

The quiet performance duringoperation makes it perfect for camping or other applications in outdoors definitely. 

Item 2: High PressureWasher Series

High pressure washers from 2000psito 4300psi were equipped with Zongshen engines being developed by forwardengineering methodology.

The household pressure washers can be folded andstored inside the trunks of cars or SUVs for the huge convenience of outdoorsactivities.

The commercial pressure washers have not only high pressure but also farrange as well as five nozzles for diversified choices.

Item 3:  20kW Generator

The world-class leading20kW generator is especially for super-duty application such as constructionworksite etc., equipping with 999cc engine, 50L fuel tank, Q235steel frame, push handle and 9.5inch aluminum alloy wheel hub.

It weighs 225kgtotally, but it can be easily moved on ground even into pick-up track by singleperson beyond typical imagination positively. Moreover,with the continuousendurance qualification time more than 1000hs, it was just made for typically hashenvironments by super duty. 

Item 4: Special power for construction machinery

As one leading producer for specialengines in construction machinery industry, Zongshen presents such specialengines as NH150H for rammers in US for first time.

It had achieved tremendousattractions by professional customers. With the profound aid of CAE simulation tools,it had been refined and optimized to best level at design stage. Ultimately,from force structure, super-resistant and anti-seismic system it had beenforged as power choice benchmark in China construction machinery industry.

It is no any suspense that it hadachieved customers’ positive acceptance from its commercialization to market. 


From the enginepower to the finished, regardless of household or commercial, our products werecharacterized as safe, reliable, stable, durable and friendly to users.

ZS Power isoutstandingly good at providing clients with power solutions not only enginesalone.

Innovation begins to ideas. Ideas result into solutions. ZS Power iscreative for power solutions for you.

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